Google Penguin 4.0 Infographic

Of late the computing world has gone through a series of changes that aims at providing the best services to its clients in a much effective and efficient way. In the 19th century and early 90’s, no one ever imagined that data could be stored in electronic devices and the same data could be retrieved later. Thanks to Charles Babbage for the wonderful invention.

What’s Google Penguin 4.0 infographic.? To many is a vocabulary never unheard off but it’s one of top ten technological advancement in the google world.  Penguin 4.0 is simply a search engine that optimizes a website by devaluing webpages and spam links rather than demoting the entire website. Think of a whole website being penalized because of spammy links, in such a way that it can’t be retrieved by clients, it really too bad.

Google has gone through a series of phases before launching the Google Penguin 4.0 Infographic. The Penguin 4.0 was rolled out on 23rd September 2016, it ensures that being the most recent search engine algorithm, it incapacitates the drawbacks of the previous algorithm.

The first search algorithm is called panda which was launched on February 2011. It was then followed by rankbrain which was released 26th October 2016, the main aim of rankbrain was to provide a more efficient search algorithm as compared to panda. Rankbrain is an artificial intelligence program that eased searching results by sorting data in a database and giving out the most relevant result depending on the query search.

Rankbrain was then followed by penguin algorithm. This algorithm went through a series of updates from penguin 1.0 up to the most recent penguin 4.0. The first penguin phase which is penguin 1.0 was released on 24th April 2012.

The Magic Behind penguin 4.0

Penguin 4.0 is more granular than the preceding releases. Being granular implies that it does not storm the whole website rather it breaks down every link in the website checking for spammy sites to devalue them. This makes it more advantageous for web users and SEOs (Search Engine Optimization).

Another advantage is that it has a real-time update. What this means is that the algorithm is capable of adopting new changes at the same rate at which it receives data. This makes penguin 4.0 be the best google searching algorithm as it is faster compared to other search algorithms.

It has lessened the possibility of NSEO (Negative Search Engine Optimization) whose aim was to punish your competitors. Penguin 4.0 has really overcome this drawback since it does not demolish the entire site. It has also brought SEOs closer to real marketing, this is because of its laid-out strategies to devalue spammy sites, this strategy has led to growth of the SEO industry.

Penguin 4.0 has a recovery capability. Before its release, if your website was affected by penguin, it was almost next to impossible recovering back your site. But with the release of penguin 4.0, it is easy to recover back the site.

Technology is dynamic, each and every day we are introduced to an advancement in the computing world. All that we can do is to appreciate and embrace it for change is absolutely inevitable.