Proven Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Website Conversions

Do you create lots of content every month but can’t meet your website conversion goals? Probably, you have chosen the wrong approach to content writing.

Content quality is way much more important than content quantity. So if you try to improve the quality of the blog posts you write, the chances are you will achieve the goals set.

Here are five copywriting tips that will help you improve conversions and make your website a success.

Get to know your target audience better

Why do people visit your website? What kind of content do they expect you to provide?

Learn more about the needs of your target audience. It will help you understand what type of content you should create to maximize your efforts.

How can you learn more about your target audience’s preferences? You can do it in these ways:

  • Analyze your existing content and define the articles that attract the most readers. What do they have in common? The chances are that your website visitors prefer to read how-to guides, listicles, or other specific types of posts.
  • Create a survey. You can people what they want to read about. There is no need to play guessing and mind-reading games.
  • Look through the questions that users ask you via chatbot or emails. Cover these questions/topics in your new posts.
  • If you run business accounts on social media, you can easily find out what your target audience wants. Read comments and direct messages you get – there, you will find the questions that your website visitors want to get answered.

Once you start creating relevant content that adds real value to your readers, you will increase your website conversions. People will stay on your website for longer and view more pages.

Strive for simplicity

Let’s face it. Modern users don’t like to read difficult texts. They prefer to consume content that is written in a simple language and is easy to digest.

Take a look at your blog posts. Are they easy to read? Are they understandable to the student of the 8th grade?

To boost conversion, you should simplify your texts and improve readability:

  • Use simple, well-known words instead of sophisticated ones. For instance, write “amazing” instead of “stupendous.”
  • Try to avoid technical jargon. If you need to use a specific term, make sure to explain it.
  • Don’t use wordy phrases like due to the fact, in the event of, because of the fact, by means of.
  • Visit custom writing services and learn the difference between hard-to-read and easy-to-read texts.
  • Construct sentences in the active voice rather than passive voice.
  • Express actions using verbs, not nouns, where it’s possible.

Also, you should choose a WordPress theme that has a clean and simple design, for instance, a Deep theme. It will help you present your content the right way and make sure that catchy web design elements will not distract users from reading.

Write killer headlines

If you write a boring headline, all your copywriting efforts will go in vain. But if you write a catchy, SEO-optimized headline, you will double the conversion.

How to write a proper headline? Here are a few tips for you:

  • Add a focus keyword. Show readers that your article is relevant to their search query.
  • Use digits (if applicable). Headings with the phrases like “10 proven tips”, “21 best tool”, and “5 steps” always work effectively.
  • Add an emotional word, for instance, powerful, free, simple, secret, instant, proven to make users want to read your article.
  • Consider writing a headline in the form of a question. For example: “How to clean countertops?”, “Are you making these six website design mistakes?” “What can I do to prevent COVID-19?”
  • Write 20-30 headlines and then choose the best one. If you lack ideas, use online headline generators.

Leverage storytelling

All people love stories. It’s a scientifically proven fact.

When we read a well-constructed story, our body produces oxytocin, a hormone of love and social bonding. It enhances our sense of empathy and ability to experience others’ emotions.

If you leverage storytelling in your content marketing strategy, you will connect to your target audience on a deeper emotional level. Consequently, it will help you to manipulate users’ behavior. It will be easy for you to convince readers to complete the desired actions.

How to write a good story?

  • Define the core message you want to deliver.
  • Choose a dream, childhood memory, desire, or anything that resonates with your audience.
  • Create the main hero of your story. It can be you, your existing customer, your reader, or even a fictional character.
  • Add a call to action. Explain to users what steps they should take after reading your story.

Write in perfect grammar

Perfect grammar defines the high quality of your content. If you create great posts but make too many typos and errors, you will not attract readers.

Why? Because people don’t trust companies that have obvious grammatical or spelling mistakes on their website.

If you want to make an impression on your website visitors and build trust, you should make proofreading a priority. You should check the correctness of your writing before publishing it online.

Here are a few simple tips on how you can enhance the proofreading process:

  • Read your blog posts aloud. It will help you to spot more mistakes.
  • Try to proofread the article from the end to the beginning. It’s a simple way to catch more mistakes.
  • If you don’t have time (or skills) to proofread texts by yourself, consider using online grammar checkers.
  • Focus on catching one type of mistake at a time. For instance, check the usage of comma first, and then check the spelling of long words.

Personalize your message

When a user reads your article, he should feel like you have written it specifically for him. To achieve such an effect, you should use the words “you” and “yours” to personalize your message.

Here are three examples of non-personalized statements:

  • Here are five tips onecan use to become a better writer.
  • This article discussesthe ways to treat diabetes.
  • This copywriting tactic allowsboosting marketing efforts.

You can tweak these sentences a bit to make them sound more appealing:

  • Here are five tips you can use to become a better writer.
  • From this article,youwill learn more about diabetes treatment.
  • You can use this copywriting tactic to boost your marketing efforts.

Before you start working on your copy, imagine a concrete person who will read it. For instance, if you write a post for a beauty blog, imagine that your “perfect reader” is 25 years old Katherine, who works as a nail technician, and who wants to know about nail polish trends. Write the article in the way it will appeal to Katherine – it will help you personalize your message and drive better results.

Add calls to action

Finally, let’s talk about the calls to action and their importance for high website conversions.

Basically, a well-written article is worth nothing without a call to action. Yes, such an article will help you drive traffic to your website and improve the bounce rate and time on page. But it will not help you to convince users to complete the desired action.

Depending on your conversion goals, you should encourage your website visitors to complete one of the following actions:

  • Comment on post
  • Share post on social media
  • Check other posts on the blog
  • Learn more about the product
  • Sign up for newsletters
  • Sign up for the website
  • Check the pricing
  • Make a call
  • Book an appointment

Include taboo topics

Do you mostly cover the same topics as your competitors do? Don’t be surprised that your website conversions are low. Users are not interested in typical content. They are looking for something unique, exciting, and interesting to read.

Don’t know what topic to discuss next? Consider choosing a taboo topic – an issue that people think about but never talk about. It will allow you to engage your audience, drive more traffic to your website, and increase time on page.

Here are a few examples of “taboo topics”:

  • Abortion
  • Drug addiction
  • Mental illness
  • Slavery
  • Sexism
  • Suicide

Naturally, you should choose a taboo subject that somehow relates to the theme of your website. For instance, if you use your website to sell yoga equipment and accessories, you can write about the importance of mental health and discuss some aspects of mental illnesses. Since you target people who practice yoga and take care of their mental health, this topic will resonate with your audience.

Wrapping up

We hope this article has helped you understand how to create high-converting content. Now you need to apply new knowledge to your writing.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different copywriting approaches and create different types of content. It will help you find out what works best for your target audience and ease your way to success.