The SEO Essentials – How To Do Search Engine Optimization?

Content is still the king in the world of the Search Engine Optimization and websites rank because of the high-quality text is written on the platform. Read further to learn how to do search engine optimization and attract traffic easily.

The idea is to communicate with search engines about your intentions so that they can recommend you to relevant searches in order to attract some traffic.

What Search Engines Desire?

The content is determined by the text on the page, titles, tags, and the descriptions created. They also examine how fast your website is and whether it works perfectly or not. Your site must have an authoritative content shared by other websites and people. The site must also work seamlessly for the user.

  1. What They Don’t Want?

Search engine spiders aren’t keen on shady techniques. For example, they don’t like keyword stuffing, purchased links or poor user experience.

  • User Experience – You must make sure that the users will be able to navigate through the website without seeing any errors or without the ads troubling this activity.
  • Purchased Links – Back in the days, many people used to buy their links, but now it’s something that’s going to harm your website only.
  • Keyword Usage – Search Engine Spiders are not fan of websites, which are stuffed with numerous keywords for traffic.
  1. Multi-Channel Optimization

You must implement a keyword strategy for other off-site platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, E-mail, and other types of advertisement. You must optimize these advertisements with particular keyword phrases so that your clients can find you far easier.

  1. Domain Names

Domain names are of extreme importance for ranking. Thus we suggest using sub-directory root domains such as “” than

When you write and when you write the same URL without the www, you must be redirected to one and the same website. If not, then search engine optimizations will see two completely different sites. This will lead to a big adverse effect on your overall SEO efforts.

Older domains are better than new ones, especially if they have a history behind them. However, you must make sure that the previous owner hasn’t done anything shady with them, or else your SEO can be thoroughly harmed. Having a keyword in your URL will help your optimization efforts, but the domain must never be too long.

  1. Stay Optimized On All Platforms

As a business owner, your website must be optimized for a seamless desktop, mobile, and tablet experience. Videos often rank well, and they can reach a top page easier than content.

Make sure that all of your content is optimized including photos, Flash, and PDFs. To do so, read about the best practices on the internet and implement them afterward.

  1. Meta Data is Important

Tags and descriptions are still important for search engines, even though that they are getting more and more ignored. Make sure that the meta keywords target specifically the page they are on. The meta description should be tailored to a certain page as well, and it must never be copied from one page to another.


Search Engine Optimization is of extreme importance for every business, and you must always follow the latest practices to maximize your potential.