Videogames vs. Relationships: Is This the Modern Dilemma?

It’s important for people in relationships to spend quality time together in the evenings, which is why many couples choose to play videogames in the same room in the evening. One part of the couple will curl up at one end of the sofa looking for snowballs in Animal Crossing, while next to them their partner will continue work on their life-sized Starship Enterprise replica in Minecraft. To a non-gamer it can be difficult to see the romance in a couple sat in silence staring at two different screens. The popular opinion is that evenings should be spent doing something more romantic, like watching a movie, because it definitely counts as quality time if you’re both sitting in silence staring at the same screen.

But sometimes you need a little extra something. Sure, you could put the videogames away and go and try and re-enact that pottery wheel scene from Ghost, or watch a sunset, or go on a long walk on the beach, but those activities are messy, boring, and cold, respectively. Surely you can have both videogames and a mutually fulfilling romantic relationship?

Cooperative Games

Sure, you may have tried playing two player games before, but often that won’t be great for building a harmonious relationship. Something about a twelve hour Civilisation III marathon that ends with you nuking your beloved after reneging on a mutual protection pact can leave things a little chilly afterwards. However, team games, such as Portal 2, where you’re both working towards the same goal, or Minecraft, where you’re working together to build something, can be fantastic bonding experiences.

Choosing a Kickstarter Together

There comes a time for every couple where they want to bring new life into the world. And by “life” I of course mean “videogame.” Crowd funding websites are absolutely filled with hundreds of exciting new game developments, and you can have hours of fun scrolling through them together to decide which one the two of you should invest your hard earned cash into. The warmth and pride you’ll feel when your new little bundle of joy is ready for download is really second to none.

Game Outings

But sometimes what you need is a night out on the town, and after the two of you have considered all your options, all your wild fantasies and romantic dreams, you’ll probably decide that what you really want to do is lock yourself in a videogame shop for the night. Fortunately, you can do that, with many GAME stores doing lock-ins for big releases.

These events are a great chance for you and the person you love to do what you love, looking around a videogame store, playing games and even trying out new games ahead of their release dates. And of course you get to do it all under the guise of having a nice, romantic evening together with the person you love. It really is enough to get your heart a-fluttering.